Saturday, August 22, 2015

My word of assent to the few, the brave, who will speak boldly for righteousness

I wrote to a Christian leader recently to thank him for having the courage to stand and be counted for Jesus and for righteousness on a regular basis.  There are other men and women who also daily speak the truth, and I am thankful, to God, for them too.  I want to stand and publicize this 'thank you' for my fellow warriors in Jesus's army.  We are certainly few and far between, but we are united in the Holy Spirit.

THANK YOU fellow few, fellow brave: THE REMNANT! 

In an age when most men will not stand and be counted for anything at all (except to be counted as a fan of some TEAM or other), you who are strong in the LORD and are of good courage to speak the truth into the darkness, yes, you are a shining light for the LORD Jesus. 

I have tried to awaken the church-goin' folk that I come into contact with, to no avail.  They often lament the state of the church, but can't see that staying part of it just make them a party to the crime.  And what is the crime?  It's now the same as it was in Jesus's day.  The religious establishment, the system WAS the problem then, as now.  That is why John the Baptist worked out in the pastures, in the countrysides.  He had no reason to call the supposed 'righteous' temple goers to repentance; nor did he waste time trying to 'warn' the Pharisees and Scribes of the 'judgment to come.'  When Jesus did go to temple, it was to scathingly correct those religious hypocrites who were ruining everything and devouring widow's houses for a pretense and turning aside the right of the poor to his wages.

I wonder, does anyone understand my meaning?  Does anyone see the striking similarities here?

And what of these leaders, the scribes, the pharisees?  Today's pastors sure do love their 501(c)3 status, don't they.  They will defend that to the death, until it becomes the death of them.   They refuse to see that the organization itself (that of the modern day church-under the state) is exactly what is wrong.  And it is Nicolaitanism at its finest.  Power over the laity (lay-person).  These same preachers likely don't like the Catholic 'priest' system which puts an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy between us and our Saviour, but they will not see themselves as for what they are.  No, we must be under some priest--eh, hem, I mean, some 'pastor' if we want to honor God and obey Him.  I don't know about you, but I can see no reason at all why the only way we can assemble as Christians is in a 501(c)3 non-profit building!  Whatever happened to fellowship in your own home on a regular basis?  When did this suddenly become evil?  It's like the King of England getting upset that the Pilgrims dared to worship in their own homes instead of going to HIS church and paying HIS temple tax.  It's so inane.  Jesus never built a building and taxed His followers for it!

Yes, unfortunately we are too dumb to comprehend the Bible for ourselves, so we must heap up preachers, teachers, administrators unto ourselves, who have made merchandise out of us (turned church into a money making career where the shepherds live off the sheep instead of laying down their lives for the sheep).  

Why exactly do I need to PAY some un-spiritually aware man to read the WORD of GOD to me?  Do I not have the Holy Spirit to teach me? Have I not been created an intelligent being in the very image of God? 

I actually believe that we are, each one of us, intelligently designed by God to understand His simple Words to us.  I'm sorry that you don't know how to earn an honest living and that you need to rely on forced donations from hard working Christians in order to feed yourselves. It is really very disheartening indeed.  Perhaps people should learn how to grow their own food, or how to do actual work in order to pay their own bills instead of being professional solicitors of contributions from others.  Don't we have enough NON-profitable non-profits out there?  Do we really need more? It's almost as bad as the government--in fact it is worse, because widow's houses are devoured for the pretense of doing 'God's' work. That's worse than the evil Uncle Sam.  At least he's some no name uncle we never knew we were related to, and we are on our guard for his wiles.  We know he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I have even been castigated in my own home by one local preacher (after he had a full meal at my hand of course-literally a home-grown, home cooked meal) for being too upfront about what is lacking in the pulpit and for the preachers' corporate guilt in the decay of the church. I essentially presented your very arguments to the man here in my home, quoting Ezekiel 34 (reading it to him actually, which I could tell he hated), and many other Scriptures to him.  I wasn't even telling him that I thought he, personally, was the problem, since I barely knew anything about him.  I was merely stating that 'America didn't decay in a day,' and that 'somewhere along the line, the church at large, including all its lay people, dropped the ball.' 

All I got was one excuse after another.  Plenty of, "well, you have to understand...." arguments.  I tired of it after a half an hour or so, and said that 'I don't accept that apologetic'--that those excuses do not fly according to what Jesus has called us to be: "salt and light."  That just lit a fire in him of course--but not a fire to defend the Scripture.  NO.  A fire to defend the fact that he has bills to pay, and he them tried to take me to school and explain the finer points of running an organization and of appealing to the masses in order to not offend new converts, blah, blah, blah.

I was even lambasted by letter from him later (several pages worth-which did not include any Scriptural references for his repeated rebukes), and my husband was told that it was wrong to have a woman (me) being the 'spiritual leader' in the home (he said I dominated the conversation: this was his way to deride me for daring to try to have equal time on the 'debate' floor at my own dinner table-because I dared to correct him and not submit to his many defenses of why the pastors today can't speak the blatant truth anymore). He spoke of his precious light bill, and how he needed to make sure not to offend new/shallow believers, etc. It was quite surprising to me, and sickening, literally.  I had no idea that he was that kind of pastor.  But to tell the truth, it's good to know it after 3 weeks so that I didn't waste any more time going to HIS church.  People love to say that it takes a year or two to really get to know a church--you have to give it time-they say.  Bullocks, I say.  You can find out right quick if you only ask the correct questions and take the time to be closely observant.

I mean really, I went to his house (his church) three weeks in a row and did not interrupt him while he preached his sermons.  But in my own home he needed to drive and dominate the conversation as well.  And none of what he wanted to talk about pertained to anything spiritual!  Unbelievable!  The only time the topic turned to the spiritual state of this country and our nation was when I shifted the conversation that way.  

Why in God's precious name do pastors think that anything they do is not somehow spiritual?  They so badly want to live a secular life, take vacations, enjoy themselves to the fullest.  How can that be the driving force in a pastor's existence?  Aren't they supposed to possess the greatest zeal for God of all humanity?  Is it really wrong to expect a man of 'God' or a man of the 'cloth' to speak mostly about spiritual matters?  I don't know, it just seems so weird to me; I cannot wrap my head around it at all.

He quoted NO Scripture to me; while I spoke over and over in Biblical texts to try to get through to him. I was literally blown away, because I actually thought that maybe he was a true believer in the cause of Christ when I agreed to have him come over for dinner--I was looking forward to a spiritually deep conversation. After listening to him make excuses and whine about the poor estate of the church and their powerlessness to change anything, I realized that it is a lack of the Holy Spirit of God that is the problem.  They teach traditions of men as the commandments of God, and having a form of godliness, they deny the true power thereof.

They have no fiery zeal for the house of the LORD as Jesus did. They defend man and not God.  They defend themselves and make no apologetic for their FAITH in Jesus.  They have all but neutered themselves, and they have neutered most of the 'Christian' men in their pews. When a woman stands up and tells them it's time to suit up and start fighting for righteousness and to resist every form of evil, they cry "FOUL" and quote the "women must be silent" verses! 

If the men would 'man up' maybe the women wouldn't have to shame them by 'standing up' in the gap and sounding the trumpet alarm for them. The watchmen have flown the coop; the shepherds have prepared the sheep for the great culling by fattening them up on high-fructose corn syrup messages and keeping them in their little stalls (which they call pews). 

Meanwhile, anyone who's got their battle armor on and knows how to use the Word and their Shield is enemy number one.  If we dare to discern the times as Jesus commanded us to, we are some kind of heretic with a martyr complex! I don't know, but I thought 'martyr' meant 'witness' in Greek.  If that's the case, then I guess we should all be martyrs of a sort-giving up our lives (our comforts at least) as Jesus's witnesses.  Anyone who seeks to save his life will lose it.  If he gives up his life for the sake of Jesus, he will gain eternal life in Jesus Christ.

May God Almighty help us in Jesus's name! 
What lay ahead for the 'church' in America is fearful indeed.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Why God Will Judge His Church and this Country Soon

A friend sent me a link today about the latest Planned Parenthood video, saying that they need to be prosecuted.  This is my lengthy response...

I wholeheartedly agree that the baby-killing industry is criminal in every possible way, and that the governments, corporations, and churches which have been fueling it and feeding off of it for the entire time of its existence are equally and entirely criminal and Satanic; and they will be prosecuted by God Almighty very soon.   

These entities (Planned Parenthood and their supporters in Government, Churches and Corporations) have been tasked with being the child-sacrificing element of our society today.  They serve at the altar of Mo-lech, Ishtar, Ba-al; they claim to worship Gaia (mother earth); they claim they are about the business of keeping the population down, since poor old 'mother' earth can't 'sustain' all this human life for much longer.  THAT IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL, FROM SATAN HIMSELF, WHO DESIRES ONLY DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.  As a dear friend loves to say: if the Satanists care about overpopulation so much, they should donate a bullet to the cause and takes themselves out first.

I affirm that I do care very deeply about this ungodly slaughter, and that is precisely why I got involved in Republican politics years ago.  I honestly, at one time thought that Republican meant: Christian.  I was blown away by the utter lack of concern within the party for the lives of the unborn, the innocent, the dependent children in-utero.  The way they talked about the ‘Right to life’ crowd, as if we were some idiotic sycophantic group that needed to be culled or silenced, while at the same time still holding out their gaping hands for donations from the ‘right to lifers’ was sickening--utterly repugnant.

I saw very quickly that the Right-wing only uses the right to life issue to ignite volunteers to jump on their bandwagon and to give them countless hours of time and bags of money.  No Republican leader has every really sought—with ALL of their energy, power, money, time—to repeal abortion, to criminalize it, to get the Constitution amended to protect the human in the womb, or to throw the Supreme Court into some dungeon somewhere where they belong (under the 'Patriot' Act's indefinite detention clause, perhaps???).  

There have been times of complete Republican control of the Congress and the White House and still those lying, good-for nothings haven't done a wit to end this child sacrificing ritual!  Here's a Newsflash---They don't care!  They not only don't care, in fact, they secretly love the abortion industry, just like they love homosexuality.  

Let me break it down simply: the wicked 1% hate all of the bottom dwellers.  They want the whole world for themselves, just as Lucifer does.  They want mothers to kill their babies before the poor child sees the light of day.  They don't want an even larger populous--it's hard enough work for them to keep all of us 'useless eaters' and 'useful idiots' under control.  What makes you think they want us replicating ourselves with pro-creation???  

Don't you get why they want us to all be homosexual?? That way no one can spawn new life.  (I guess they probably do want a few kids around, so they can get their sick jollies by sodomizing and raping God's precious little innocent ones--I'm sure they can perfect the process of growing human bodies in a lab in order to fill that need of theirs!  Yeah, I said  it, the homosexual crowd are a bunch of avowed child molesters--get over it!!  I know, there are plenty of pretend heterosexuals out there too, who marry women just so they can have kids of their own to sodomize--this whole world is full of sickos and most people solidly refuse to see these realities.)  God help us!

I know there are some (a few of the lesser political-leaders) who are a little more genuine than others, and they’ll speak a little more boldly than others, but ultimately, nothing at all gets done.  It's a giant ruse, designed to be an outlet for people like me who burn inside with sadness and pain for what is done to our children.  The politician pretends as if he/she is doing all that can  be done on our behalf to represent us in our 'struggle' against this infanticide.  But it is ultimately just a way of silencing us, of rendering us inert.  We lie to ourselves and say we have done ALL; we have tried to work within the system to halt this insanity, and that is all we can do.  Now we must sit quietly and idly by and let our masters in the 'hallowed' halls of 'government' take the Jade (green) Helm while we go on drinking the poisoned Kool-Aid and drinking the GMO food and texting on our phones.

Police and state governments and politicians and Christians should have revolted and overthrown the entire government in ’73 when all this became ‘legal.’  The fact that it was an utter stand-down by all interested parties is shameful; no, it is reprehensible. What will happen when they eventually make it legal to kill Christians?  Is anyone going to stand for us at that point? Obviously NOT!  The only people who might care about the murder of innocent unborn children are 'Christians.'  We haven't stood up in any way which has had any effect on this issue, and no one will be there to stand up for us either.  What goes around comes around.  We reap what we have sown-death!

The states which had anti-abortion laws should have seceded from the union-or at least tried to, if indeed they really cared, when the Federal Courts told them to 'stand-down' and allow outright MURDER--legalized HOMICIDE by mothers and doctors!  Does that sound like too much to you?  Okay, consider this: no one could logically say that there has not been a holocaust (complete burning) of the unborn child in these ‘clinics’ (temples to Satan); since a holocaust has been perpetrated, then why not a ‘war’ against it??  We go to war over FAR lesser matters (the economy, oil, oil, oil, gold, the banking cabals, etc.)  

Yes, this nation (its inhabitants) will never really stand up for what is right, good, true, honest, lovely.  No, money, money, money--that's what makes this people tick.  Yeah, and fun, fun, fun--don't take away my precious fun.  Who cares if babies are slaughtered, children are raped and tortured by sexual deviants everywhere--in their own homes mostly, and in churches--CHURCHES--, who cares if our entire nation is a bunch of hedonistic Luciferians!!  

I'm so sick of this apathetic pile of human refuse who call themselves Church Members, who say they care but do not a damned thing!!  We are good for nothing if we will not stand up for the innocent, defend the fatherless, care for the widow and the orphan, the infirm, the helpless.  I don't care what you say about your beloved politicians, priests and 'pastors,' pundits, or prophets.  NO!  This nation is a bunch of blow-hards who only care about themselves and their next vacation, meal, sporting event, movie, concert, or seminar; or about their precious and 'private' internet pornography; or their next act of covetous theft (like guilting hard workers into their next donation to 'God' or the 'church' or Government taxation or bank bailout!); OH, and they care about their precious hand held trackers--I mean 'eye'-phones!!  

It is literally, utterly insane.  And the worst part is, that all of the morons out there who are nothing but zombies, walking dead, doing no good at all, just existing, those people literally think that I am society's problem!!  People like me, with a fire in their belly, who rail against all of this injustice, murder, torture, incest, sodomy, malfeasance, lewdness, paganism, hedonism, you name it 'ism,' --yes, I am the problem!  The ones who actually care: WE are the problem!  It is ludicrous. Strike that, it's not laughable; it's not at all funny--it is SHAMEFUL.

Churches should have gone into mourning (literally), gone on hunger strikes (fasting en-masse), refused to go to work to pay taxes to a nation that sanctions murder in the womb, and maybe they should have at that time also given up their 501c3 tax exempt status and just disbanded entirely, since they clearly have abandoned the number one mandate--care for the orphan--inasmuch as aborted babies have no father who wants to call that child his son or daughter.  When churches sat silent, God's judgment also fell silently from Heaven, and most went into a deep and pitiful slumber from which they will soon be shaken when the mighty wind from Heaven blows and the 7 Thunders Roar from the mouths of God's two faithful witnesses. 

Churches should have realized that any association at all with a government and a society which calls murder a ‘right’ is blasphemy and sacrilege.  (Friendship/Amity with God's enemy is the same as declaring yourself God's enemy--check that out in the Bible--you cannot prove that statement false!)  God Almighty’s enemy number one (as Satan himself is) is living in our midst and we seem to bat not an eye.  How is it that we’ve been able to live with ourselves and tell ourselves that we can just eat, drink and be merry, while babies are mutilated???  I am so ashamed that I didn’t dedicate every ounce of my being to stopping this years ago.  May the Lord have mercy upon me for my own pathetic inaction and for giving up on these little ones just because I couldn't find anyone else to JOIN me in the cause.

NO politician who wants to maintain power or influence dares to throw his entire career on the altar for the sake of the unborn.  NO man or woman will tell the WHOLE sick, disgusting truth about this industry, nor speak of it in the most blatant and rank terms in order to expose what it is.  No. Fear of man is what holds them back, and a fear of media black-out.  They fear man instead of fearing God (and God is the only one who can not only kill the body but also put the soul into hell). 

The Catholic ‘Church’ has also done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop this.  They are some of the most notorious baby killers and child abusers in existence.  They have literally all the money in the world, they fund and fuel wars all over for their disgusting pleasure and power mongering, yet they have never thrown their weight into the ring when it comes to stopping abortion.  

All the Vatican is good for is getting their parishioners and unwitting followers to donate money and prayers to save the unborn.  They are as bad as the government, worse in fact, since they claim to act in Jesus’s name.  And now we've got another "GREEN" agenda from on 'high' ready to be delivered to us in September via Mr. Pope himself when he visits the church of Gaia at the United Nations.  Yes, the 'GREEN' horse (that's the chloros horse/the Pale horse for those of you unlearned folks out there), and his rider named DEATH, and all HELL following with him: yes, he is about to ride. 

My heart aches and cries out to the Lord, “How long oh Lord, Holy and True, will you wait to recompense upon their heads what they have done to the least of these, the innocents, the fatherless?”  How many children have been beheaded in the womb in these temples of Satan called clinics?  For shame!  It is greatly due to my great grief of heart, soul and spirit for this daily mass ritual murder that I am utterly convinced that the Lord Jesus Christ is not going to delay much longer in bringing about the final judgment of this hideous society.  

I don't care what the false prophets and priests (and naysayers) proclaim; We shall NOT have peace.  Read your BIBLE!!

No, sudden destruction is come upon you.  'As a woman in travail,' shall this destruction come.  How fittingly ironic, is it not, that Jesus says our final destruction will come upon us like 'labor pangs upon a woman,' and here we have before us, a nation, no, a world, full of would-have-been-mothers, who forced their children out of the womb early with the help of the one person who is supposed to 'first do no harm,' the physician and with the consent of the governors and the governed!!  Labor pangs indeed!

In reading the Old Testament Prophets like Ezekiel and Jeremiah, it is clear that the Nation of Israel and Kingdom of Judah were engaged in exactly these types of acts (throwing their children on the fire to worship Mo-lech), just prior to their being completely annihilated by Assyria and then Babylon.  There is no way anyone could convince me that we are not living in the days of Noah (where evil was the only thought of everyone’s heart), or the days of Lot (where evil and sick pleasure was the intent of everyone’s actions), and thus we are now in the days of Elijah (where he will preach in sackcloth and ashes for 1,260 days before being killed by the Antichrist beast of Revelation).

I am reminded that the Egyptian Pharaoh went on a baby-killing spree in Moses's birth-day.  40 years later God Almighty sent that same Moses back into that land with the staff of God against that nation of baby-killers.  We've had just over 40 years now of legalized baby murder and mutilation; how much longer will God delay this time??  It is a legitimate question.  The plagues of Exodus look uncannily like the final 7-7-7's of Revelation.  If Egypt was judged, and Sodom and Gomorrah were judged, and the pre-alluvial world was judged, why would anyone think the stink of this entire world in its rotting and putrefied state is somehow evading God's notice?

This is why I so incessantly and annoyingly plead with believers to pray, pray, pray; to SOBER UP and throw off every act of play and foolishness which is not profitable to the spreading of righteousness; to cast off all the sins and evil entertainment that so easily ensnare us; and to dedicate ourselves to preparation by the incessant reading of God’s Holy Word.  A storm is coming for this.  I pray daily that Jesus will no longer delay, that He will come quickly (for that is what the Spirit and the Bride say in Revelation).  

The earth cries out to God now as it did in the day of Cain and Abel.  The blood of the innocent has not gone unnoticed by Almighty Holy Creator God in Heaven.  He is going to send His Son Jesus again soon, and this time, He returns as righteous judge to destroy those who are destroying the earth and all of its innocents.

May Almighty God keep all His faithful, called and chosen ones under the shadow of His wing, through the fire and through the storm of the coming fiery judgments in the days ahead
-In Jesus’s name-Amen and Amen.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Gathering of the Elect at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Today a pastor chastised me for believing that the Lord Jesus is not going to secretly take the church out of the earth before the great tribulation.  Unfortunately, many who hold to the 'pre-tribulation rapture of the church' eschatology do not desire fellowship with believers who read the Scripture for themselves and takes Jesus plainly at His Word.  Jesus says in Matthew 24 that He will return to earth "immediately after the tribulation of those days," and that the harvest of the elect is "at the end of the age." 

Inasmuch as the response I gave to the pastor via email was 11 pages long, I thought to post it on this blog, in hopes that it may stimulate others to a closer examination of the Word of God.   Perhaps in reading and investigating the Word of God, in order to prove my assertions 'wrong,' a brother or sister will come to the truth for themselves.  Either way, time will prove all things as it pertains to the coming of the Lord and His gathering us to Him.   

Additionally, I was warned that my over-emphasis on the importance and relevance of prophecy could lead to my becoming: unbalanced, very critical of others and perhaps even lead to my moral downfall.  It was intimated that I will "end up with (my) internet prophecy 'ministry' safely criticizing everyone else." 

My answer to these assertions by my brother is as follows:

There is no imbalance in the Bride being wholly reserved unto her Betrothed.  The one who loves much, because of being forgiven much, will by no means turn from her Beloved Jesus, nor ever faint or become burnt out with following after her King and her Prince of Peace.  A wholehearted commitment is what is required and what is owed by the Bride to be; and that kind of commitment is rewarded with eyes to see the reality of what Jesus prophesied to His disciples. 

All that can be done is to plead with all men to diligently search out the Words of Almighty God Himself.  For God is a rewarder of those who diligently (not halfheartedly) seek Him in His Word.  The Word is so clear and bright as to blind those who do not wish to see what the Lord says.  This is why it is the foolish things which confound the wise ones who believe that they see. 

Paul, who believed he had sight (understanding of the Law, himself being a Pharisee), and who himself did have a love for the Father, had to be made blind to all he had learned from men in their traditions, and be taught directly by Jesus what the Scriptures were really saying about the first coming of Jesus Christ.  In this, it was good for him to be temporarily blinded, that he might come to see the truth of God and Jesus Christ.

Rev. 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”  In this we understand that it is impossible to overestimate the importance of God-given Biblical prophecy.  Jesus repeatedly prophesied and warned His followers.  He did so out of love, that we be not deceived.  He needs us to know that He is good and desires us to know truth.  He needs us to be ready, because He loves us. He has prepared His Bride for His second coming, just as He prepared the Jews for His first coming.  Not that all who said they were Jews were even looking for His coming, for many had not spiritual eyes to see, nor ears to hear.  It was the lowly shepherds in the field, the wise men who watched the heavens and read Daniel’s prophesy, the fishermen, the adulterers and sinners who recognized Him at His first advent.  His second advent is sure to be missed by many who claim they are awaiting His return.  In fact many false Christs will come in His name and will deceive many; those who don't know the real Savior will possibly fall away after the counterfeit Christ.

I Corinthians 14:1 says, “Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.”  Men of old, whose hearts waxed fat and full of the lust of the flesh, killed God's servants the prophets.  Even so, men have been killing the prophets (the watchmen of their souls) for thousands of years.  This is prophesied to continue even until the end.  Thankfully, God will not allow His two faithful witnesses to be killed during Antichrist’s rule.  They will not be killed until they have finished their 1,260 days of prophesying in sackcloth.   Then they will be risen up on the last day when Jesus returns and calls them to "come up hither" for every eye to see that Jesus did indeed commission them and work through them and testify of the truth through them.

The deception (of the pre-great tribulation rapture) is so great as to deceive the very elect if that were possible.  Nevertheless, those who do know their God will be strong and do great exploits in the last days.  “That day will not come, unless…,”  see, if you will, what that verse continues to say.  “The saints (Holy Ones) will be given into his (Antichrist’s) hands for time, times and half a time.” Dan. 7:25  “I watched as he (Antichrist) made war with the saints and prevailed against them.” Dan. 7:21 

This is why Daniel was grieved, even as one who had seen loved ones (believers/Saints of the Most High) being destroyed by the little horn (Antichrist-Counterfeit Christ).  Daniel could not eat; he fasted and prayed to God to understand it all, to know how long it would last, and to know how it would all end.  God, in His goodness, desired to reveal the truth to Daniel.  Daniel’s prayer and pleading for insight was honored on account of Daniel humbling himself and fasting and praying and seeking to God alone for the answers and the truth.  God does not chastise Daniel for desiring greater insight into the prophecy received in the vision.  Quite on the contrary, because Daniel sought and asked and knocked at God's door in prayer, God honored His promise to all who ask, seek and knock.  Yes, God gave Daniel the good and pure desire of his heart: that Daniel would know the heart and mind of God and know what was the meaning of the vision.

Daniel 10:11-14
11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
14 Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.

Jesus’s disciples are the elect-chosen-holy priesthood to God.  We are Jesus’s disciples.  At least I proclaim that I am His and He is mine.  Revelation talks of the saints (the Holy Ones, the Elect) these are the ones who are the Lamb’s, of whom Jesus spoke when He prayed to the Father in His high priestly prayer before His self-sacrificing atonement was completed for our sins on the cross.  The idea that any unbeliever, Jew or Gentile, is Christ Jesus’s Bride, is anathema to all that Jesus has taught.  The Pharisaical Jews of the Synagogue who chose to remain blind (even in their insistence of being ‘seeing’) were said by the Lord to be of their father the Devil.

Rev. 13:17: “It was given (allowed by God, as God also allowed Job to be tried with the same boils which will later come on those who take the mark) unto him (Antichrist) to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given to him over all kindreds, tongues, and nations. 

Antichrist does not kill his own, his followers.  No, he seeks to go after the woman who gave birth to the male child (Jesus) (Rev. 12), and proceeds to go after the rest of her seed who keep the commandments of God and who have the testimony of Jesus.  Jews/Israelites who are not Messianic believers, do not have the testimony of Jesus.  They believe Jesus was a liar and a false prophet, and they will join in setting up the Beast’s throne in Jerusalem.  The Antichrist will absolutely not go after the unbelieving Jews, for they will be on his side.  The two witnesses will be testifying for God, contending for truth, and will testify against the union of the Beast and Harlot and all her daughters.

Rev. 14:12: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”

The patience is not that of unbelieving Jews, it is the patience of the saints (Holy ones--who are made holy by the atonement of Jesus's blood shed for our sins).  This patience is like the patience of Job.  Believers must not cry out as Job did, that God was unjust to allow the persecution of the righteous ones.  That, in fact was the pride of Job.  His insistence that God was appointing him to wrath by allowing Satan to destroy all but his very life.  Job saw God as unjust in this matter, and Job demanded an audience with God to plead on his own behalf and against God and His sovereign will.  Job was rebuked by Elihu, the youngest, and the fourth of Job's friends.  The elders did not get it, and God shamed them by the rebuke of the younger Elihu (which means 'God of him').  Elihu defended God.  Elihu was not later rebuked by God.  The other three friends who contended incorrectly were rebuked by God, and were presumably restored after Job prayed for them.  It is right to contend for God and not for man.

Rev. 16:15: “Behold, I come as a thief.  Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.”  This statement is just after the 6th vial is poured out and just before Armageddon’s war and the return of Jesus Christ (for they seek to war with God Almighty in this final war; whereas the 6th trumpet war kills 1/3 of mankind and is the final of the 1/3 judgments before Armageddon).  Whom He loves, He warns; thus the admonition to watch and keep your garments on.  Jesus loves every member of His household and pleads with them to stay awake, and watch, for we know not the ‘hour’ in which our Lord comes.  There will doubtless barely be faith on the earth when Jesus returns, but there will be some who survive (remain) unto the coming of the Lord to see His Glorious appearing (but we very well know that He will come immediately after the tribulation of those days, for He has proclaimed as much to us.)

Rev. 3:3  "Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." 

By implication, if one does wake up, one will know ‘what time I will come to you.’  Even as the faithful servant can observe the fig tree and know that it is near (Jesus's 2nd coming), even at the door—(there is the ‘door’ reference again for all who have ears to hear.)

Jesus said He will come as a thief, to the ungodly, to those who will not watch, to the unfaithful harlot who thinks herself a virgin.  She is shut out and not allowed a second chance.  Read the parable please, I beg you.  The unwise virgins (half of them, 5/10 of them) are forever shut out because they did not have oil for their lamps. 

The oil is the filling of the Holy Spirit and with the Word which is the light into the virgin’s lamp-stand; the lamps are both the individual churches, and each one of us, because we are the temple of God.  The Holy Spirit is our seal unto redemption and the mark of God on our foreheads.  We must have our oil and be prepared—why in the world would Jesus repeatedly warn us of something we will never need to know??  Our Lord warns, and gives example after example so that we may see clearly what lays ahead on the road.  Our good Lord does not want us to end up being blinded to the deception, because we receive not a love of the truth of what He has said. 

The unwise virgin is not given a 7-year warning shot across the bow, nor a 3 ½ year warning after the rapture.  No, we are all given the warnings of Jesus NOW, today, to start loving truth and seeking it and clinging to it and not let anyone take from us what we have, even if by smooth words of “did Jesus really say?”  We are told about all that will happen in the last days by Jesus, and it is made clear by the later revelation to John and by what Peter, Paul,  Jude and others wrote.

We are told to look for a 7 year covenant which the little horn makes with the many (Dan. 9:27).  We are given time periods of 3 ½ years (Dan 12:7, the time of the little horn trampling the saints) and 1,290 days (Dan. 12:11) of the saints being killed and overcome while the holy covenant (between Jesus and His bride) is trampled.  Jesus tells us those days are limited to 3 ½ years so as to comfort us; so as to give us certainty that Satan will not ultimately win the battle.  We are commanded to persevere; to be patient; to wait; to watch; to overcome rather than be overcome.  The warnings about Jesus coming as a thief are always made only to those who insist on walking in darkness (blindness, if you will), insisting on closing their own eyes to the clear truths about how the end will unfold.

Jesus made it clear to His disciples that Jesus’s torture and death would result in the resurrection.  He made sure to tell them repeatedly AHEAD of time, so that they would not faint (fall away) when they saw Him captured and beaten and nailed to a cross and dying; and so that they would hope and be absolutely certain of His resurrection after 3 ½ days.  (The ‘silly’ women believed him and ran to His tomb—that is just a side note.) 

Likewise, in keeping with His unchanging character, He clearly, forcibly and in perfect detail, foretells of all that is coming upon the earth; He admonishes us not to be soon shaken in mind and not to fear the signs in the heavens as the heathen do (in Jeremiah 10:2).  He loves us dearly, deeply, and eternally.  He is light.  He is the giver of all knowledge.  He gives wisdom generously to all who ask in faith believing.  He prepares us for all that is coming, so that we will walk circumspectly, redeeming the time, knowing that many others in His household need to be warned and pulled from the fire which is about to destroy the whole earth.

By the way, the argument is circular, and is a logical fallacy, which says: the end (return of Jesus) can’t be known “because that takes away the ‘no man knows the day or hour’ aspect of Jesus’s teachings.”  It needs be acknowledged that if a rapture of all who believed took place at 7 or even 3 ½ years before the final return of Jesus to earth, then Jesus would certainly NOT be returning as a thief in the night to anyone who was ‘left behind’ in their unbelief. 

The pre-tribulation rapture hypothesis is discredited through one of the very pillars that it insists upon as a proof.  The insistence of arguing for the pre-tribulation escape on account of the 'thief in the night passage,' necessitates the very thing you argue against (the destruction of the imminence).  (Inasmuch as you assert that a post-trib rapture would take away ‘the thief in the night’ aspect of Christ’s coming-thus showing a lack of imminence of the return of Jesus.)

The advance rapture (at 7 or 3 ½ years to midnight, as the pre-tribber supposes) would absolutely be a “clock-setting event” which would be an absolute herald of the return of Jesus to the unbeliever (and the supposed ‘tribulation saints,’ who may come from Laodicea, Sardis, Thyatira, Pergamos, or Ephesus) who could subsequently then never be come upon as by a thief in the night.  Either way the ‘imminence’ is impossible. 

Let it be settled then, that the Lord does not preach imminence.  He preaches that those who are asleep and not watching will not know when He is about to return, and thus may be caught being slothful and disobedient, or would fully fall away due to the miracles/signs/wonders of the False Prophet.  Read the parables after Jesus’s Matthew 24 sermon carefully, and this becomes obvious even so obvious that my children understand it.

If first comes the rapture at 7 years prior to Jesus’s return, then the unbeliever knows to look to an event 7 years in the future for the return of the Lord.  That return, in that paradigm, could never be imminent, as you suppose.

If harpazo is at the end, and it is, then the believer knows to look for the signs the LORD speaks of:
A 7 year covenant with the many; the abomination of desolation of the temple; a 3 ½ year reign of terror of the Beast brought about by the False Prophet’s deceptive miracles; a universal currency/mark, without which no man can buy or sell; and Beast worship which is mandated by the Universal Church and State system which is already being set up in high places. 

Only those who do not know the Word of God, and rightly divide it, will be deceived.  To those, Jesus returns as a thief in the night.  (The deceived in this case are supposed servants of God, again, read the parables and see that they are all admonishments to servants of God in His fields and in His house; Jesus is commanding them to be good workmen until He comes.  He is not even talking to unbelievers.)  Those sluggards are the ones upon whom the Lord returns as a thief in the night.  Just as Jesus’s main admonishments in Revelation are to those in the church, i.e., believers, so are Jesus’s parables written to prevent the believer from falling asleep and falling away.  Jesus knows that His faithful Bride will be watching and waiting, and that is why we have the approval speech He gives to the church of Philadelphia (not coincidentally, I add, this is “the church of the love of the brethren,” by which love the world will know that we are true Christians).

Anyone who insists that Jesus will void His own Word, by showing the unbeliever when He is to return (by signaling that it will be 7 years past the rapture) does not understand that Jesus is the thief only in the eyes of the unbeliever and the fallen away harlot.  It is also wrong to insist that the faithful bride can’t know the time of her own Bridegroom’s return (which she can know within a month or so by witnessing 7 years past the covenant and 3 ½ years past the Beast’s reign-1,290 days).  Further, we know Jesus will fulfill the fall feasts, so it is obvious He will return to fulfill Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot at some point.  It is as if you believe and assert that Jesus cares more about the unbeliever knowing the day or the hour than the believer knowing about the day and hour of His return.  Jesus’s return as a thief is to the one walking in darkness.  We believers and faithful children are conversely ‘children of the day,’ as spoken of by Paul:

I Thessalonian 5
1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7 For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath (just as Job was not appointed to wrath, but was sifted by Satan), but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;
13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.
14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19 Quench not the Spirit.
20 Despise not prophesyings.
21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
25 Brethren, pray for us.
26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.
27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

I submit that Jesus loves us, that He tells us beforehand exactly what to expect.  This is the essence of all prophecy: that Jesus be proven TRUE and honest in all His sayings.  He proves that He is God, that He knows the end from the beginning.  He declares it to all with ears to hear; He proclaims it boldly, ‘in order that we might see these things come to pass, and remember that He told us beforehand that all these things must needs be.’  Jesus proves Himself to be the one true prophet, the omniscient one.

If the goodman of the house had known the hour in which the thief came, he would have watched and his house would not have been broken up and left to him desolate.  That is a paraphrase.  That parable pictures the workman who will not watch.  To that man, yes, the coming of Christ Jesus to take His Kingdom will be as a thief in the night.  That man will tell himself that the abomination of desolation and the mark can’t be what they seem to be, even when that man sees it for himself, because he has convinced himself that a “rapture” of escape must happen first.  Jesus commands us to watch.  He wants us to see this unfold and be amazed that He foretold it.

Rev. 13:10: “He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.  Here is the patience and faith of the saints.”  He is comforting those who will be going through this trial, by telling them to hold on, to persevere, to overcome, to remain faithful.

Rev. 3:10 “Because thou has kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world (not the unbelievers only), to try them that dwell upon the earth.”  The temptation to believe the false miracles of the false prophet (who looks like a Lamb (Jesus) but speaks like a dragon to the ears of the true believers who know Jesus’s real voice), will be a great temptation indeed; and many will fall away into even greater apostasy than we see now.  The whole New Testament is replete with warnings to know Jesus’s Words so that we be not deceived.

The day of the Lord, when He comes to baptize the unbeliever and the faithless harlot with fire, judgment, and destruction: that day comes like a thief.  The thief in the night comes at the END, when all will be laid bare—the unbelieving ‘believer’ will be found naked, because he did not keep his garments (as the faithful believer did).

II Peter 3:10 says:
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless (the man of sin, the man of lawlessness) and fall from your secure position. (falling away because of the deceit and hardship and martyrdom) 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

All who are making their calling and election sure will not fall away when the great supposed rescue from trials and tribulations does not come as the false ministers of the gospel proclaim it will.  We will follow our Lord wherever He leads, even as Peter did and as the church of Smyrna always has.  We will not be deceived, because we have searched the Scripture, we know the truth as Jesus proclaimed it.  We are not afraid of the hard truth, the reality.  We embrace our Lord and our vow to Him, to be faithful.  He gives us an open door which no man can shut. 

Revelation 3
“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; ‘These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, (you said, yourself, you previously had received, and heard and held to the rapture-harpazo taking place at the end when the righteous are resurrected—why did you wish to stop believing what Jesus had shown you?)  and hold fast, and repent.  If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. (If we watch, we will in expectancy go to meet Him, we will put on our garment and shoes even at midnight, and go to meet the Bridegroom instead of halting as the Shulamite woman did—in Song of Songs 5:3).
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.
He that overcometh, (overcometh what?  A life of ease? NO, he that overcomes this greatest of all tribulations and persecutions which have been promised to come upon all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus.  Satan desires to sift the elect, and as Peter and all the apostles were sifted, so we are no better) the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. (others’ names will conversely be blotted out of the book of life if they take the mark, and worship the beast.)
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.’

It may be that the two wings of the great eagle (Rev. 12) will carry away the faithful Church of Philadelphia into the wilderness to be nourished from the face of the Serpent in a literal sense as well as in a spiritual sense.  Glory be to God if we His faithful are preserved here in the wilderness of Goshen!  But if it is our glory to be as the church of Smyrna, and if our God does not choose to rescue us from the King and the Beast, then know this, we will still not bow down to the statue and worship the beast. (Daniel 3)

The whole house of Israel was kept from the last 7 plagues IN Egypt BEFORE the Exodus.  Noah was preserved IN the Ark ON the face of the earth.  Daniel was save IN the lion’s den.  Hananiah (whose name means ‘Jah has favored’), Azariah (‘Jah has helped’) and Mishael (‘who is what God is’ ‘who is like God’) were preserved IN the fire of Nebuchadnezzar's furnace.  They were found to be faithful and to be truly walking with Jesus (the Son of God), by both GOD and by the King who had put them there at the behest of the wicked sorcerers who hated the fact that the faithful three children would not bow the knee to the statue (image of the beast) which they had erected to glorify man and his kingdoms.  God will look upon those who love Him: He will favor them (as He does the church of Philadelphia); He will help and preserve them in and through fire; He will show the world those ‘who are His’ faithful.

For our part, those of us who love and believe and follow with abandon are already going alone into the wilderness to be nourished by our Lord Jesus, directly at His feet, hearing all the Words, even the hard Words, and hiding the whole counsel of God (from Genesis to Revelation) in our very hearts.  We are letting Him write, upon the tablet of our hearts and upon our heads, His very name, that we be sealed now and forever by our Great Almighty God, so that in the days of the 5th trumpet, when unsealed men are tormented by demons, we will be as the Israelites in Goshen, untouched, unscathed by the demons who make men desire for death for a span of 5 months. 

Although they (of the Beast and his kingdom) may eventually overcome our physical bodies, as they will with the Two Faithful Witnesses, while we are in the body, we will speak boldly and never cease to proclaim the Word of the Lord as preached to His disciples.  God is true, and every man a liar, so do not take any word of mine for it, seek the Scripture to see what it says, not what the flesh wants to believe it says.  The Holy Spirit will Himself guide the faithful into all truth; this is Jesus’s promise to us.  That is why the Holy Spirit is such a comfort, as well as a guide, a preserver, a healer, a helper.  Jesus gave this great gift to all who are redeemed.

The marriage supper of the Lamb is in Rev. 19:9, at the second coming.  The birds of the air eat the flesh of the dead who have not repented and who have been slain by Jesus at His return in glory as judge of the earth.

I could put the whole of the Bible in this email, but if the heart is hard as steel, no amount of water will penetrate the veneer of man’s heart.  We have to work up our own soil, or let God water it and work it up for us.  He is after all, the Potter, and we are to be clay (malleable) in His hands.  If He has to crush and grind us into powder and then pour healing water over us, in order to reform us and to mold us into His perfect image and likeness, He will do it for those who are His.  Why not rather come to the well?  He gives water freely.  Freely we likewise have received, so freely we give.

I do not criticize, for God is Judge of all.  I do not herald from safety; if I did, I would shy from proclaiming the truth, and would certainly speak to no man.  God desires all to know the truth.  God’s faithful witnesses (His children) will never cease to warn and to pray that all men come to know the truth.  It is not out of pride that the one who is convinced proclaims the truth.  It is out of urgency, not wanting any to perish and be deceived.  It is out of love for the churches that one desires to proclaim the already revealed truths of God and Jesus as in His perfect Word to those in the churches, so that they too may have space to repent and to be brought back into fullness of relationship with the Bridegroom.  If one speaks even as a dumb donkey, but speaks the truth and the Word of the Lord, why not receive that one of low estate, for the Word's sake, even if not for the esteem of the creature that speaks.  God will make rocks cry out if men and women will cease to proclaim His truth.

It is good that you have replied.  None other yet has, and that is not a concern for the one who proclaims.  Most in this country are fully drugged asleep; at least you have the vigor to argue back.  That one who is awake may at least be driven to further study, even if to disprove that which they believe is false.  In this way, both are driven to the Word of God (the sharpening stone), each for themselves, to hear what the LORD says.

Your reply has spurned me on to an even deeper study today, this day, than I was already engaged in.  Indeed hours have passed this day and I have been driven to re-read much Scripture on account of your email.  I thank you profusely for that!  I have seen ever more of what the Lord has in store because you have given me reason to show myself approved, and to call to mind that which I have already been shown.  It is good to be able to give an answer to all who respond, about the hope which is inside of me: The future hope of my blessed Redeemer, and the lover of my soul returning in all glory and power and righteousness to reclaim His bride, His faithful church.  What a blessed and sure hope indeed!

You will no longer (after this) be plagued with warnings of what is to come upon the earth; it is not my desire to be contentious, but to contend FOR the faith and for the truth of the Word of God (As young Elihu did in the book of Job).  If you desire to know more, God Himself will reveal all things to His own in time.  Draw near to Him and He will in no wise cast you out.  Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find all truth, knock and that door (which no man can shut) will be opened up to you.

This servant and child who has been forgiven much salutes all who call upon the name of Jesus Christ.