Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Where We Are and Where We're Headed

I can't believe it is November 9th!  It's insane to think it.  I do not know where this year has gone.  It seems the older I get, the faster time passes me by.

Summer and the gardening season are long gone, Fall is fading fast, and another school year almost half way over already.  Add to this the excitement/turmoil of another election season and I feel as if the last few months has lasted an entire year!

But I am not complaining.  I am thankful for the rest to come, especially from the work of summer.  Winter is always a time of recuperation for me.  It's a time to get back to baking and reading and writing.  I confess I have missed the hours of Bible study and writing down what I am learning.  I always feel that something is missing when I am not deeply delved into some aspect of inquiry into God's Word.  That's not to say I've not inquired of Him this summer; it's just that I don't spend hours writing notes and composing essays when I have weeds to pull and veggies to can and freeze.

Sitting here today, I admit to feeling a little off kilter.  This entire election was so electrically charged and very confusing for me in a way.  I felt that the establishment pushed Donald Trump forward in the Republican corner to the exclusion of the other (actually) conservative/Christian candidates.  I believed they did this so as to ensure a victory for Hillary (whom they'd already chosen early on as their high priestess, er, um, I mean, nominee).  I mostly tried to avoid all media for the longest time, as I do not believe in the veracity of our electoral system.  I do believe that men in high places pull strings and install leaders.  I have seen these things from inside the system, so I am not just guessing at this or surmising this for myself.  I know there is a 'rigging' in the system.  I know the two parties control everything; and if you are not going to kiss the ring of the 'ring leader,' then you have no chance at being a representative in our democratic system.

So I had written this election off, as with the last few.  I have pretty much settled it in my mind that there is no hope for any positive change.  I know that my God prophesies a one world leader and one world Satanic religion to come.  I've done my homework, and I know what the powers that be have written in their occult 'Plan.'  I've read thousands of pages of proof exposing the leaders of this world and many of the religious leaders for who they are and for what they have in store for the poor sheep of this world.

I see the darkness which is already here and that which is coming.  It is a horror which is in store.  It is a dark storm on the horizon, not a beautiful sunset.

Having said all of that, I did, within the past few weeks, get a little bit sucked in to the election hype.  There were so many Christian leaders and alternative media voices heralding Trump as our last and only hope.  The disgusting filth which came out about Hillary also made it easy to see Trump in a better light, and as an even better choice.  I went from not planning to vote, to voting early.  But there was still something nagging at me.

It had early on occurred to me that there was no conservative/Christian person on the ballot.  There was not even a Republican.  What I mean is, Trump is a Democrat and Hillary is a Communist/Socialist/Witch, so really, I had no one to vote for.  Any vote I would cast would really be about voting against the other candidate rather than voting for my choice.

In the end I decided I could vote for Pence, since I had wanted him on the ballot years ago when he had ran and failed to get the nomination.  The Republican party has never been any good at nominating any good candidates.

I couldn't help but see in my mind's eye all of the democratic media personalities rolling on the floor laughing about the absurdity of the Christian Right propping up the likes of Trump.  If Trump had been the Democratic nominee, and Pence the Republican nominee, every single conservative talking head and Christian pastor would be ripping Trump apart and contrasting his evils and evil ways to that of the conservative Christian family man, Pence.  Instead of voices in concert praising Trump, we'd hear of the woes of a Trump presidency.  It's all quite ironic when put in these terms.

But that wasn't what was really bugging me.  What I really felt grieved about in my spirit was the fact that for a while, the Pastors and Christian commentators/teachers really left off of warning the body of Christ of the coming judgment and put all their corporate efforts into warning of the woes of a Clinton presidency.

Now, do not misunderstand me.  I am glad that people desired to warn people off of Hillary Clinton (not that anyone in their right mind needed to be alerted to all that she is about); I did some warning of my own.  What vexed and still vexes me is that it almost seemed that all the pastors became ad hoc Trump-stumpers to the neglect of warning the church body of the judgment to come.  Voting was suddenly just as important (if not even more important) as praying and seeking God's face and reading His Word.  It's like the shepherds were telling the flock that if they just banned together in droves and got Trump into the White House, all would be well with their country and their souls. 

Even now the voices of the church leaders seem to be resounding with cries of victory at Trump's win, as if it is somehow God's perfect will that we be led by this man.  All will be well now, do not fear, Trump will protect you from the evil left, from the heavy burden of taxation, from the loss of freedoms, from the scarcity of jobs, from the possibility of persecution.  I don't know.  This all does not sit well.  I see a lot of people in for a bad surprise when more of the same ensues, when world governance continues to gain power, when economies of the world still implode and wars still break out.  Our beloved country is ripe for winnowing, God's people have not turned from their wicked ways yet.  If they had, we'd be in the midst of a revival and the entertainment industry would be going broke!

I watched TCT yesterday and saw several personalities claiming that Trump has said the sinner's prayer, and that he is filled with the Holy Ghost.  Several people all basically said that the way to stay off God's judgment for our sins is to elect Trump.  As if casting a vote is remotely equivalent to getting on your face, weeping before the Lord and asking forgiveness.  As I said, something about this is not right, and I am afraid for what is coming upon the followers of Jesus here.  I am sad that men of God find it preferable to tout a political candidate as our salvation rather than making Jesus the focus of all things.  I understand that we can/should talk about political things; I just believe that the emphasis needs to be on Godly repentance and faithful following of our Lord Jesus, not on the hope of a physical salvation and a temporal solution.

When Jesus came the first time to this world, He came as the salvation of our souls.  He was rejected by most of His own, in part, because He did not come to bring earthly salvation (a political kingdom).  God's kingdom is coming soon, but it is not coming through any man other than Jesus Christ Himself, and that at His second coming, after the great tribulation and the rise of the anti-Christ and false prophet, after we have the collapse of the world economy at the 3rd Seal of Revelation, after all of the prophecies have been fulfilled and the 7th trumpet sounds.  I for one am not looking for a false hope of restoration, rebuilding, recuperation, or reparation, at least not at the hands of a man. 

I just hope that all of this hype and hope does not lead people into complacency, believing that they've done their part simply by voting for Trump instead of Clinton.  God commands us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.  He is our Great Redeemer, our Refuge, our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer in whom we do trust.  He does not bring victory for His children through alliances with Egypt (i.e., with carnal forces).  The victories experienced by the ancient Israelites came through God's mighty right hand of power, so that He alone was magnified in their eyes and worshiped for bringing salvation.  Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever, I can assume that His ways have not changed.  When He brings salvation in these last days (and I mean when we experience physical salvation from enemies if/when He wills to do so) He will do it in such a way that He alone can be praised and glorified; in an impossible way, such as in the days of Gideon. 

I do pray that by some miracle, Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be Godly leaders.  But, I pray even more urgently and fervently that God's children will wake up from their slumber and fill their lamps with oil and keep the night watch.  For the great day of our God approaches, and blessed are those who are watching and waiting, keeping the words of His testimony, standing firm in their faith when Jesus returns.  Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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